This was sent to the Kelowna group and I am posting it in case anyone is interested:
Dear Kelowna Learners Unlimited,
I am the publisher of EcoParent magazine, a new, national parenting/lifestyle publication geared toward making more conscientious, pro-active choices for our children. Though environmental responsibility is a big part of what we’re about, our overarching mission is to promote pro-active responsibility in as many ways as we possibly can, education being one of the most important. And while homeschooling may be a necessity for some, for many it constitutes exactly the kind of pro-active choice that is at the very core of EcoParenting. I’m contacting you today because we’re a fiercely independent publication, without any corporate backing, and we need your support!
Our first issue is coming out in May, and so the next couple of months are a crucial time to get the word out about our publication. Of course, we may also be able to offer something in return for your assistance, as we’d love to help increase the profile of homeschooling as a viable option in Canada. The kind of partnership I’m proposing could take a variety of different shapes, from subscription-based fundraising to bulk subscription acquisition to simple dissemination of information or cross-promotion.
In fact, we’ve already set up a 20% discount for homeschoolers who would like to subscribe to the magazine. The code to access this discount is “homeschooler” and it will be valid until March 31, 2012. Please feel free to use and disseminate this code as you see fit and appropriate.
If you would like to discuss possible ways in which we might work together toward the mutual benefit of our publication and your organization (and the people served by both), please do not hesitate to contact me at, or by phone at 705 585 3448.