Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bring your bikes!

Hi everyone,

Our street is blocked off right now because of road construction so we have very little traffic. My kids have been having a great time biking out front. I would like to invite anyone who is interested to come to our house this Friday morning around ten for a bike ride play time. I thought it might be fun to decorate the bikes (for no good reason) and have a little bike parade. We could celebrate using our bikes again! I'm not talking about a big ride - just riding around on our block. If you are interested, come around ten and bring your lunch or something to share. We'll be here with our helmets on...


Mary-Sue said...

What a fun idea! We'd be there if we didn't have a house full of company.... Have fun!

karen said...

We can't make it as we are in Kelowna as Eli is competing in the music festival there.Sounds fun though.

julie said...

We'll be there - see you then.

Andrea said...

Yes, what a great idea. We've just had a crazy, crazy week that has included lots of socializing and Rhi and I are both begging for an 'at home' day. Otherwise, we'd be there with bells on (as as they say... what does that mean exactly, anyways?)