Thursday, June 7, 2007

Earth Savers Club

I read Rhiannon this article that Mary Sue posted in the village and we were talking about how plastic is everywhere and how we need to do our best to not buy anything plastic and generally talking about the article and the grossness of what is happening. She turned to me and said, "Mom, we have to start the Earth Savers Club right now". The name comes from a Berenstain Bears book "The Berenstain Bears Don't Pollute Anymore". But her thought is to get some kids together and pick up some garbage (with gloves on, Mom). I would really like to encourage her in taking action.

Anyone else game? I'd really like to follow through and set a date and DO IT!



Ms. M said...

Cara and I are planning to do this along the highway between our houses. Then we don't have to contribute to greenhouse gasses, since we live out here in Falkland. So maybe we can plan a day where we all do it but in two different places. Then we can inspire each other. My Liam is always deeply bothered by litter as well.

Andrea said...

That sounds good.

julie said...

My girls are interested in joining in. Any day works.

Mary-Sue said...

Annika had a very similar reaction. We are HYPER-aware now when it comes to plastic. We can meet up for this any time. Let's make a date next week.

Andrea said...

Okay, how about Thursday? Anybody got a good spot? We ride our bikes on Hwy 6 and it is terrible... one long line of garbage all the way to town. But that probably wouldn't be too safe for our youngsters. Lets bring some bins for recycling and some cardboard boxes to put garbage in (no plastic bags).

julie said...

Oops, Thursday doesn't work for us. I forgot I'm at a workshop that day. Is there another day that works? If not, I guess we'll have to miss it.

Mary-Sue said...

I want a forum on this topic. How are we modeling earth-saving for our children? Styrofoam cups at T-Ball today... I can't expect Annika to say no to juice based on styrofoam, but it's toxic to the earth and to her, so should I have made a stand about it? I mean if someone brought out something more culturally-unacceptable, um, like cocaine? i don't know. I sure wouldn't be sitting back seeing whether or not she'd accept or not, would I? Where's the line? I'm unclear... We can pick up all the garbage we want from ditches, but if we're using styrofoam cups just because they're offered, isn't that counter-productive to earth-saving? Ack. It boggles my mind.

Andrea said...

I totally agree. And I think it is one thing at a time. And if it gives them a sense of doing something, then picking up garbage is great. And then we need to come up with easy strategies for avoiding those horrible styrofoam cups. Like bringing cups with us and preparing them in advance for what they will say when offered... Its a big shift we're making. And we can only do it one thing at a time, right?

Andrea said...

And we don't have to do it Thursday... it was just a suggestion. How about Friday?

julie said...

I think Friday would work for us, and it sounds like the least rainy day this week, too.

Mary-Sue said...

Friday works well for us.

Andrea said...

Okay, Friday it is. Now we just need a place. We could do the ditches along Hwy 6 but it might be pretty wet after all this rain and the traffic can go really fast along there.... Is there somewhere safer and drier that has caught someone's eye?

Mary-Sue said...

We've noticed an awful lot of garbage along the road that Quality Greens, Home Depot, etc. are on. It's the old swamp land, which breaks my heart to think of all the species evicted when those big stores were built... It'd definitely be safer?

Andrea said...

Okay, that sounds like a good spot and Julie and I were talking this morning and we talked about starting at 11 am. Everyone cool with that?

julie said...

We're planning to be there today.....anyone else?

Andrea said...

I believe it will be Karen, Mary Sue, Julie and me and our kids. We were talking last night and Mary Sue found a better spot - the train tracks in downtown. So we will meet on main street (30 Ave) at the railroad crossing at 11am. I'll be bringing some old grocery bags and Rhiannon is making herself a 'poke stick' right now (by taping a screw onto the end of a stick she has carved). I'll be at the IWS from 9am on and I'll meet the rest of you by the railroad tracks at 11am with our work gloves on!

Andrea said...

Of course, anyone else who would like to come is more than welcome to join us!