Saturday, June 28, 2008
It was wonderful to meet with all of you on Thursday. It feels great to have such support. I think you are all amazing moms. What lucky kids. I thought I would try and see if my post actually goes on the blog. I also have some friends in Ashcroft who would love to come to the next meeting. Looking forward to a beach visit and the opportunity to get together with kids. Take care. Donna
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Meeting Reminder
Friday, June 20, 2008
Host families wanted.
Jacob, the organizer of Korean homestays, has a 12yo boy coming for 12 weeks, July 9 to Sept. 20th I think, and is lookingfor a host family. He also has several short term, 4 weeks, students coming. Hosting families receive $1200/month, which includes 2 hours of"tutoring time" by mom, and they cover all the activity expenses of the child. The students have other independent work to do as well. We are really enjoying our student, Su Hwan. He is funny and enjoys playing games. I haven't found it difficult to fit in the 2 hours oftutoring...we fit it in throughout the day. So if you are interested and want more info, just drop me a note!Shandra
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Snow White - Rhythmic Gymnastics
Here are the details:
To: Whom It May Concern
From: Camille Martens – Okanagan Rhythmic Gymnastics
Date: May 15, 2008
Re: Exciting Production at the Performing Arts Centre for Schools
I am writing you as Head Coach/Choreographer of the Okanagan Rhythmic Gymnastics Club to let you know of a Production of Snow White that we will be presenting at the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre this June.
The show uses a dynamic fusion of drama, dance, music, gymnastics, acrobatics, rhythmic gymnastics and cirque-like storytelling to relay the captivating tale of Snow White, her wicked stepmother, the seven dwarves and the charming prince. The show has been creatively crafted to be especially dazzling and interesting for children.
It is a story that will captivate young and old alike and we believe that it will be a great opportunity for students to be exposed and inspired to an artistic/athletic endeavor. They will have the opportunity to see young performers, current national and international competitors and even past Olympians in this exciting 10 year anniversary show.
We are presenting a morning show (9:30am start) for students and staff on Thursday, June 19th 2008. Seats are $5/person. The production is one hour and 45 minutes long including a brief intermission. Buses need to be there at least10-15 minutes before start times so we can accommodate seating and start/finish on time.
We are confident that adults and children of all ages will delight in this experience.
Camille Martens
Monday, June 16, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Vernon Science Centre
A FREE workshop for homeschooling families in the Okanagan,
Tuesday, June 24, 2008; 10:00am – 12:00pm
Join OSC staff for a morning of science exploration, all about food! Your family will visit three different stations, each offering some hands-on food fun. Explore what the OSC has to offer
and network with other homeschooling families in the Okanagan.
Composting Who’s Who? (45 minute program)What do we find in the compost heap? What is the food web? Can you see life under the microscope?
Food Chemistry (45 minute program)Are the liquids we consume acids or bases? Does our food contain starch? Is there carbon dioxide in our breath?
interact, and discover information about food safety and security, agriculture, food packaging , labeling, and nutrition.
No pre-registration necessary - admission is free and on a first come, first served basis.
Space is limited.
This is a family program; adult supervision is required (no drop-offs)
Friday, June 13, 2008
Waterslide - June 27
$7.00 a child,
adults and children 13 and over are $9.00
to just sit in the hot tub for them is $7.00 and $4.00 to just sit in the park
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Winfield Park Day
I know I mentioned today that I was hoping to arrange a joint Vernon and Kelowna park day in Winfield on June 18th, but I was just reminded of another field trip that was scheduled for that day.
So, I would like to suggest that we meet at Jack Seaton Park on Wednesday June 25th at 1pm. I hope this works well for everyone and I look forward to seeing you then.
Monday, June 2, 2008
TV in moderation -- Kerry Trevelyan
Last night we talked a lot about NOT letting our kids watch TV, and all of the comments were completely valid. I kept thinking about how we could spin something negative, yet completely prevalent in our society, into something positive and useful. We watch TV in our house, even some of the mainstream shows, but the difference is, that I don't use the TV as a 'babysitter'--there is some value of watching programs together, as a family, and talking about things that are happening...making it into an active rather than passive experience. We need to teach our kids to deconstruct the advertising that they see in the media, because that is an invasive part of our that you can't avoid if you don't watch TV. Luckily my kids are still at the Treehouse stage, which doesn't have commercials trying to sell them things; but even then, I noticed the other day that McDonald's has cleverly inserted an 'active moment' which is a commercial in disguise. I liked Angela's comment about moderation, because really, we need to teach the kids about understanding the good, the bad, and the ugly about popular culture, and self regulate their own involvement in that. So, I say YES TV, in moderation, and as a group experience--I just wanted to add a point of view for the other side!