Friday, July 18, 2008

next meeting

So are we meeting next Thursday??


Anonymous said...

I would love to!

julie said...

I'd like to meet, too.

Caroline said...

are we talking parent support meeting? or a play date? I think the next parent support meeting is on the 31st, isn't it?

Amanda said...

I'd love to come... either the 24th or 31st is fine with me.

Ms. M said...

Well, I meant the support group part. And I got confused - do we meet the 3rd Thursday of the month, or the LAST thursday? So either Thurs is fine with me - but which one is it?

Caroline said...

pretty sure it is the last thursday of the month. andrea will know for sure, but I think she is away, so maybe ask Mary-Sue?

Mary-Sue said...

We have the room reserved for the LAST Thursday of each month. So this month will be 31st. Too bad, I'm ready for a meeting this week!