Monday, March 30, 2009

Playgroup at the park

At the last homeschooling meeting we decided to try having our playgroup start up again. So, we thought we would try for Fridays at about noon at Lakeview Park (weather permitting).
Hope to see you there.


ange said...

Sounds great! We'll plan on being there ... but we might need someone to call us about the weather permitting part, as it's still snowing pretty much daily up here :)

julie said...

We'll be there, too, if it's nice out.

Caroline said...

this week we are busy, but maybe next?

Jill said...

We'll come too - my kids can't wait to play in the new park.

Delia said...

We'll come too.

Debby said...

If it is raining,Ava and I would like to go to the pool,Anyone else? Debby

Kathy said...

We'll be there around noon or just after. See you there!

Jill said...

Ok - too cold for me today - I'll try for next week. If I'd seen the pool idea earlier I would have gone for that Debby. Have a great weekend everyone!