Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Meeting Tomorrow -- BEAN TO CUP!!

EDIT: NO MEETING TONIGHT. Only one person can attend.
What do you think about having our meeting next Thursday night instead? Or is there another night that works so that Angela could come? Could everyone come on Wednesday night? Could you, Ange?

Hi everyone,
It's the last Thursday of the month again! How did that happen?!?! I called to confirm our use of the room at Talkin' Donkey and there was a mix-up. Someone else is booked in for our timeslot, so we'll go back to

Bean to Cup, 7pm, Thursday night, Feb 25.
Not sure if I can make it as husband is coming back tomorrow night from meetings away, so it'll depend on when he arrives home. I know others are planning to go though? Do you mind leaving a note here if you're planning to attend so others know they won't be the only ones? That way I"ll know that you know it's a different locale, too. Thanks!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Weapons of Mass Instruction

Just started reading John Taylor Gatto's book: Weapons of Mass Instruction. Brilliant writing and analysis.... Has anyone else read it? It is popular as I had to wait for 11 holds on it at the library.

p.s. I tried to post info on Oxygen Depletion in our atmosphere but it didn't seem to work!

Monday, February 15, 2010

*edited below* Gordon Neufeld in Kelowna Feb 24th

I just heard on the radio that Gordon Neufeld will be doing a talk at Aberdeen Hall School on February 24th at 7pm. Their website gave an email address in order to register for free:

I'm definitely going to try to be there.

Thanks to Heather who found out that in fact it is not Gordon Neufeld, but Donna Bromley presenting his work:
Special Speaker Presentation - Dr Neufeld 'Hold on to your Kid' Wednesday, Feb 24, 2010
The work of Dr. Neufeld, clinical psychologist, foremost authority on child development and best selling author of “Hold onto your kids” will be presented by Donna Bromley. The discussion will focus on forming lasting attachments with children, especially teenager, and will occur on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 @ 7:00p.m. at Aberdeen Hall Preparatory School. There is no charge for the event, please register your intention to attend by emailing Susanne at

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mentoring Boys Seminar - Vernon

Barry MacDonald is coming to give a talk on mentoring boys IN VERNON!
March 25
Check out the flyer here: