Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Not Back to School Picnic?

Would anyone be interested in meeting at Kin Beach on the first day of school? Say around 11:oo a.m. and make it an annual picnic?


Kathy said...

Unfortunately we will be away but I know that some people try to meet every year at Kal Beach.

Hope you all have fun!

Caroline said...

What is date? The day after labour day? We might be able to make it.

Delia said...

Can we do both Picnics? I think Beach Day was on Friday last year. Caroline and I will be working on a North Okanagan Home Schoolers Not Back to School Picnic and Activity Presentations for the First Day of School at Kin Beach. Name tags, information table, sign-up sheets for activities, and inviting anyone who would like to and/or is organizing activities this year to introduce themselves (i.e. say how long they have been homeschooling and a few words about their activities). Could Mary Sue or Jill or someone else speak about the NOH group? Caroline and I are going to organize some fall hikes so we will present that. We would like donations of name tag labels, felt pens, paper, mascing tape and willingness to talk to new homelearners. We are also compiling a list of Home school activities in the area to give to people and will ask for your input (i.e. free skating at outdoor arena in Jan and Feb).

Caroline said...

Hi Delia,
Found those labels and I'm sure we'll have enough ;0) I could bring some felt pens (black) as well.