Thursday, September 30, 2010
Meeting tonight AT TALKIN' DONKEY!!!
I just got a call back from the manager at Talkin' Donkey and the marriage group that had the room upstairs booked did cancel. there was some confusion about that, and we've had some times before where we've booked the room and somehow didn't get it. So! We DO have the Talkin Donkey Room upstairs booked for tonight from 7 until 10pm. Looks like there'll be a good show of people.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Next meeting tomorrow
Meeting this week? September 30th.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Horseback Riding Opportunities
You can contact her at
Homeschool Classes at the Arts Centre
The Vernon Community Arts Centre:
The Vernon Community Arts Centre offers a wide range of classes for youth and adults. We can also design custom classes for a group of 4 or more homeschoolers. I would be happy to talk with you or any of your homeschoolers about the art making possiblities we offer.
We also have a small gallery space where we have an ongoing display of our members work. It is free of charge and open to the public during our regular business hours. We will be having an Open House Reception on Sept 24 from 2-4pm and you are all welcome to attend.
Christine Kashuba
Program Director
Vernon Community Arts Centre
in the heart of Polson Park
Hike This Friday October 1st, 2010!
Friday, Oct 1st - Mckergow Meadows (Middleton Mountain)
Meet at 11am--HIKE BEGINS AT 11:15 sharp!
-shorter, steeper hike - take Kalamalka Lake Rd to
Husband Road, parking is at the end of the cul-de-sac.
Mud Lake, a small pond within the park is
home to ducks, geese, toads and salamanders.
Beware the prickly pear cacti on the slopes!
Bring water and a lunch, just in case we're longer
with visiting/playing (after or during the hike)
than planned.
email Caroline at for any
questions ;0)
Friday, September 24, 2010
Youth Recreational Hockey
For boys and girls ages 10 and up, this program was designed to allow for a non- contact, stress-free, fun environment for kids (and parents) to come out and enjoy the game they love, all the while developing them as sportsmanlike players, good citizens and team mates. Ice times will include some skating skills training, puck/stick handling (hockey drills) and 45-60 minutes each week of scrimmage (lines will be set up to match skill levels).
The only pre-requisite is that players are able to skate unassisted. All other skills can be gained, so don't let lack of experience hinder you from coming out and having fun in a welcoming and non-judgemental environment.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Hike Friday September 24th, 2010
-Bring water and a lunch.
-Meet at the entrance off Silver Star Road at 10:30am
Hike begins at 11am sharp! It'll probably be around 1-2 hours.
Bring ideas for your children to take part in an individual Nature Scavenger Hunt!
For more information email Caroline:
Cerified organic apples for Sale
Phone Anita at: 250-542-8302 for more information.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Dance Classes at the Inner World School
It seems that fall is suddenly upon us. I hope you all had a great summer. I know ours whizzed by in no time! Here at the Inner World School we are gearing up for lots of fun this fall.
This fall we will be having 3 dance classes - a Creative Movement Class, and two Creative Ballet Classes - a beginner one and an intermediate one. All classes will be on Thursdays at the Coldstream Women's Institute across from Coldstream Elementary. (see below for all the details) As usual the Creative Ballet classes will be expected to attend dance performances at the Performing Arts Centre.
Dance brochures are now available at the library, People Place, the Bean Scene, Shambhala and around town. Scholarships and payment plans are available.
If you are interested in trading some woodworking services for fees, we need a portable barre and wooden frames put around two 3x3 mirrors and then mounted on wheels somehow so that we can easily roll them in and out of the room at the Hall.
For Our Young Dancers
Come have fun! We play games, explore different styles of dance and different kinds of music in this class for children aged 3 – 5. We will work on coordination, gracefulness and self-esteem. The emphasis will be on creativity and supporting the young dancers in discovering and connecting to their own inner expression. Our 12 week session (see below) culminates in a magical performance choreographed by the teacher and the dancers
Creative Movement for ages 3 – 5
12 sessions for $120.00
Thursdays, Sept 23 – Dec 16
11am – 12noon
For Our Young Ballerinas
These creative ballet classes are about connecting children with the real beauty and art of ballet and encouraging the creativity and natural talent of the dancers. We go on a journey deeper into the passion, the discipline, the beauty and the art of ballet. We use the technique of this dance form to explore self-expression and learn more about dance in general. This class will culminate in a performance that the students will choreograph together and with the teacher.
Beginning Creative Ballet for ages 5 – 8 (no experience necessary)
12 sessions for $120.00
Thursdays, Sept 23 – Dec 16
3:00 – 3:55pm
Intermediate Creative Ballet
for ages 8 – 12 (must have 1 semester of ballet, jazz or modern dance)
12 sessions for $120.00
Thursdays, Sept 23 – Dec 16
4:00 – 4:55
All classes facilitated by
Andrea Clarke
All dance classes are held at the Coldstream Women’s Institute
9909 Kalamalka Lake Rd
(across from Coldstream Elementary)
To Register call or e-mail Andrea at:
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Yoga classes
Hello everyone.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Unschooling Goes Mainstream
Thursday, September 2, 2010
A North Okanagan Activity Guide for all Homeschoolers (registered or enrolled)
New Homeschoolers may benefit from this information.
Support Groups:
North Okanagan Christian Home Educators (NOCHE) e-mail chain and regular monthly meetings. Activities are usually organized at the meetings and posted on the e-mail chain. Contact Lina Rogers.
North Okanagan Home Learners has a blogger and regular monthly meetings. Contact Jill at 250-545-2681. You may view the blogger at:
Festivals and Fairs:
Cedar Bridge School in Lumby, B.C. holds events the pubic can attend: Martimas in November and May Festival in May. They may offer Homeschool programs in the future.
Education & Career Fairs
Fitness, Sports and Recreation
Heritage Christian Online School Family Fun Day and Track Meet is usually organized in May or June. Track practices are usually organized prior to the Sports Day.
BMX Track – free riding times daily -
Homeschool Skating at Centennial Outdoor Arena in January, February and March is usually organized.
Ski/Board Program for Homeschoolers - sign up is usually in October and ski days are usually in January or February at Silver Star Ski Resort.
Hiking - Fall 2010 Hikes for Homeschoolers - contact: Caroline
Playground Days are usually organized and posted online. The organizer can pick a certain day rotating parks or the same park weekly.
Larch Hills Cross-Country Ski Trails
Greater Vernon Recreation Services
Armstrong Recreation-
Whitevale Recreation - http://www.lumby,ca/services/recreation/index.html
Free Things or Low Cost Things to Do in Vernon, B.C.
Public Swim Times – Homeschoolers often meet at the Vernon Indoor Pool on Friday
Young Naturalists’ Club
Educational classes:
Okanagan Science Centre offers homeschool programs. Homeschoolers can organize science classes by contacting the Science Center, arranging for topics to be taught and posting the information online to get more participants. Minimum is usually 10 students.
Okanagan Regional Library - - Storytime or Library Activities - Homeschoolers may organize activities at the Library.
Places to visit or to plan a Fieldtrip:
-Davidson Orchards www.davisonorchards.
-Planet Bee
-Allan Brooks Nature Centre 250 Allan Brooks Way
-Greater Museum & Archives
-Vernon Public Arts Gallery
-Save-On Foods
-Firehall Tour
-Atlantis Waterslides – A fieldtrip is usually organized in late June.
-Vernon Courthouse
-Kingfisher Interpretive Centre east of Enderby - Individuals or small groups may join up with salmon programs. Please call ahead 250-838-0004.
Theatre and the Arts:
Runaway Moon Theatre in Enderby provides community arts and puppet theatre experiences for all ages. or call 250-306-3935
Arts and Textiles classes - Kalamalka Weavers and Spinners Guild - The Arts Centre (in Polson Park) 2704 Hwy 6 phone: 250-542-6243
Craft Days:
Christmas Crafts – a craft making day is usually organized prior to Christmas.
Outdoor Market:
Farmers Market on Mon & Thurs 8:00 - 12:00 p.m. Apr. to Oct.
Used Curriculum:
Used Curriculum Sales are often posted.
Special Annual Events:
Annual Christmas Banquet in December is usually planned.
Writing Contests are usually posted. Shuswap Association of Writers organizes a children’s writing contest at
Home Depot - monthly children's workshops.
Music Schools:
Vernon Community Music School offers music programs. vcmusicschool’atsymbol’ or phone 250-545-4977
Music Teachers:
Shari Bootsma – 250-558-5513 – Music for Young Children at
Tutors: - usually posted.
French -
Algebra -
Dance Teachers
Shows that are usually planned:
Rhythmic Gymnastics Show – Okanagan Rhythmic Gymnastics Club
Okanagan Symphony School Concert Series - Wendy McCracken at 250-763-7544 Homeschoolers may attend the performances.
Summer Fun:
Beach Days for Summer 2010 at Paddle Wheel Park Beach contact Caroline
Support Groups:
learnersunlimited : Learners Unlimited
Central Okanagan Homeschoolers (Westbank, BC) -
Kelowna and Westside Christian Home Educators Association -
Fitness, Sports and Recreation
Michaels - Craft workshops monthly
Places to visit or to plan a Fieldtrip:
Kelowna Courthouse
Information compiled by Delia on Sept. 1, 2010. This Activity Guide is based on current information and is a work in progress. Thanks to the help and support of other Homeschooling moms who proofread, provided feedback and additional information.
Please contact Delia at or 250-260-7855 if you are involved with providing teaching/learning/support activities for Homeschoolers and would like to be added to the guide. All the best in your Homeschooling journey!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
North Okanagan Not Back to School Picnic for all Homeschoolers
at Kin Beach Park
on Wednesday, Sept. 8th, 2010 at 11:00 a.m.
Bring a Lunch.
There will be prizes!
Contact Delia at 250-260-7855 or Caroline at 250-542-2253
You may also bring:
-park toys
-your enthusiasm
-musical instruments
-any other ideas?
Beach Day Friday September 3rd?
I know there is a beach day planned in Winfield tomorrow (Thursday), but just wondering if anyone is up to coming to Paddlewheel Park Beach Friday? I plan to come between 12 and 12:30. Here's hoping it's not too chilly ;0)