Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bowling Invitation

EDIT to ADD: Lincoln Lanes called me, and they need to change our December bowling date; their normal league is having a Christmas party on the day that we had booked,
Friday, December 17: 11:30-1:00. So, we've changed the date to Friday, December 10th: 11:30-1:00.

The next two bowling dates are as follows:

Friday, November 19: 11:30-1:00 @ Lincoln Lanes
Friday, December 10: 11:30-1:00 @ Lincoln Lanes (Edit: New Date)

The cost is $4.00/person. I think rather than people signing up with me, I'll make it a drop-in event. If you are coming on that day, please be there by 11:30 and we can form the groups based on who comes each time (first come first serve). If you come late, I can't guarantee who you'll be bowling with...and I think the whole idea is that we mix up the groups so it's not just families bowling with their siblings.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Kerry Gilbert

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