Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Documentary movie nights

Hi everyone,

Are any of you interested in joining me once a month to watch a documentary at my house?
There are so many that I would like to see, but Derek would rather scratch his eyes out than watch another one with me! I would like to start at 7:30 and then have some discussion afterwards. I'm pretty flexible about dates. If you are interested let me know which evening works best for you and if there are any documentaries you'd like to see. Right now I have "The Business of Being Born" and would love to watch it this week or on the weekend. If that doesn't work for anyone I'll watch it alone and get another one for the week of the 15th.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jill
I would come if i lived closer. I can finally get in here!!!!!!!! so i just wanted to make use and tell you i would come if it was more practical for me.
Thanks anyway.

ange said...

I would love to come. Wednesday or Thursday nights this week work for me.

Anonymous said...

I would be able to come this Wednesday night, as Rob leaves again Thursday. Sounds like a really great idea!

Kathy said...

That was me above

Jill said...

Tonight works for me and for Julie as well. How does 7:30 sound? If I don't hear from you two I'll call you later.

ange said...

7:30 sounds great ... looking forward to it!

Mary-Sue said...

can i be a "maybe"? i'd love to, but won't really know if it works until it's 7:15-ish :o) if that's okay, i'd love to just come by if it works???

Jill said...

of course you can be a maybe!

Kathy said...

7:30 sounds great! I'll see you then.

ange said...

And I'm changing my answer ... I really want to come, but also realize I need to get to bed early tonight. I should be back to normal by next movie night, and very much want to come next time.

Amanda said...

Hi, Did you already have the first movie night? I would love to come to the next one.

Jill said...

We watched the first one this week and had a great time. I'm going to plan the next one for early October - any movie suggestions?

Amanda said...

Yay, I am looking forward to it. I'll keep an eye out for some interesting movies.