Thursday, September 25, 2008

Here's the Rivers Day information

Celebrate Rivers Day 2008!
Join us for a FREE, fun, family event
Greater Vernon Recreation Complex
Sunday, September 28th 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
BC Rivers Day is a province‐wide event, held every year on the last Sunday in September. So come join
communities around BC in celebrating the amazing rivers, creeks and lakes that make this such a great place
to live.
Rivers Day will kick off with a creek clean up. Get together with family, friends or co‐workers and sign‐up to
clean a section of creek in Greater Vernon. Please pre‐register online at or call 250‐260‐4227.
Keep in mind you’ll need close‐toed shoes and appropriate clothing for the cleanup.
If you do not have a group or want to celebrate with us in other ways, there is plenty to do.
Events Include:
􀂾 Yellow Fish Storm Drain Painting
􀂾 Reusable Bag Design School Contest Judging
􀂾 Paint your own Reusable Bag
􀂾 Creek Cleanup Contest
􀂾 Trash Sculpture Creation
For more information
Allan Brooks Nature Centre 250‐260‐4227

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