Monday, March 1, 2010

Parent Support Meeting Wednesday Night

Edit: try your best to listen to this presentation so we can talk about it tonight:

Hi! Looks like lots of us can make it for a meeting this Wednesday (March 3) night at 7pm. Talkin' Donkey. See you there!


Juris said...

Thanks for the great evening of conversation!

To keep the ideas flowing, maybe we can share links and resources.

Here is the school on Cortez Island I mentioned:

ange said...

Thanks for the link Juris. I really enjoyed the meeting too, and am reminded that I appreciate begin part of this group. Now that I se the link, I realize that one of the LC interns I am working with this year in SelfDesign used to work at this school. I'll ask him if he can share some of his experience there for me to pass on here.
I'd love to see that article MarySue and Jilll and Julie were talking about too.

ange said...

And the video for that school in Norway too ... I can't remember the name?