Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Meeting this Thursday????

So? Can you believe it's the last week of another month? Is everyone keen for a meeting? Apparently precious few of us made it to the meeting last month (sorry, Caroline!!!) so maybe there'll be a good turn out this month?
I'm planning to go. Husband says he will be home. Anyone else?
I have Talkin' Donkey booked Thursday, May 27th, 7 until 10 pm. Hope to see everyone there.


Caroline said...

That's ok :0)

Kathy said...

I may be there, it depends on how my back is doing. I did something to it on the weekend and am having trouble walking/standing. Sitting is better, though, so we'll see.

karen said...

I'll be there.

Caroline said...

I forgot to say, I can't make it this month ;0)

ange said...

I'll be there.

Sorry to hear about your back Kathy ... back troubles are no fun at all!

Sending healing thoughts your way.

Delia said...

Kathy, have you tried Traumeel and Arnica?

Anonymous said...

I (Jill) will be there - can't wait to see you all.

amanda said...

Little boys are under the weather but I should still be there ... heartless mother that I am.

Kathy said...

I can't make it tonight, Rob is still in Vancouver.