Monday, September 29, 2008

Bread Recipe

Some of you were interested in my bread recipe. You can give it a go, but it might also be helpful to get together, so I can talk you through it.

My mom taught me how to make bread. I don't even know where she got this recipe. :0)

*Mix 6 cups luke warm water (sometimes I do hot and just have it cool down to the right temperature...this helps the sugar to dissolve nicely) with 5 table spoons sugar.

*When water is luke warm, sprinkler in 2 tablespoons yeast.

*Once yeast has activated, add 2 table spoons salt and 5 table spoons oil.

*Stir in the flour (I use best for bread, white, and whole wheat. I visited Roger's Foods (half way to Armstrong) for the first time this summer and was pleased with their flour) This varies each time. You just add it a scoop at a time until it feels right! This is the step that it's best for me to teach you in person for, if you are interested.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wildlife Park

If you are planning to attend the field trip to the wildlife park, please let me know by Oct. 1.

phone - 379-2057

I'm pretty sure we have 10 confirmed, so with 2 more that would make it $5 per child. I will try to get it so that parents are free.

Jan Hunt edit - AGAIN

Ok, now this time the date is set in stone, never to be changed:

Tuesday, Oct. 21, at the Senior Centre (ok, that part could be changed.......) in Falkland.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Here's the Rivers Day information

Celebrate Rivers Day 2008!
Join us for a FREE, fun, family event
Greater Vernon Recreation Complex
Sunday, September 28th 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
BC Rivers Day is a province‐wide event, held every year on the last Sunday in September. So come join
communities around BC in celebrating the amazing rivers, creeks and lakes that make this such a great place
to live.
Rivers Day will kick off with a creek clean up. Get together with family, friends or co‐workers and sign‐up to
clean a section of creek in Greater Vernon. Please pre‐register online at or call 250‐260‐4227.
Keep in mind you’ll need close‐toed shoes and appropriate clothing for the cleanup.
If you do not have a group or want to celebrate with us in other ways, there is plenty to do.
Events Include:
􀂾 Yellow Fish Storm Drain Painting
􀂾 Reusable Bag Design School Contest Judging
􀂾 Paint your own Reusable Bag
􀂾 Creek Cleanup Contest
􀂾 Trash Sculpture Creation
For more information
Allan Brooks Nature Centre 250‐260‐4227

Jan Hunt in Falkland

The Jan Hunt night has been moved to Monday, Oct. 20 - 6:30 pm. (it was originally set for the 22nd but she is on her way to Edmonton from here so wanted an extra day or 2 to drive).

It will be $15 per person, $20 for couples (what a great deal!).

Hope some of you can make it out!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Friday hike anyone?

Is anyone interested in a hike on Friday? I'm thinking of either silver star so we can see it before it snows, or perhaps the little hike at the top of the blue jay subdivision.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Meeting Reminder

Thursday night - 7 pm. See you there!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Poulson Park Tomorrow..

Hi All:

I just wanted to remind you that some of us will be heading to Poulson Park tomorrow at about 2pm, after our Science Centre visit. We'd love to see you there!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Park day tomorrow

Hi everyone,

It doesn't look like there is much interest in having a regular park time this fall. If that is the case it seems silly for those of us who are interested to go to the same park every week. How about we take it week by week and try out new parks and hikes . It looks like Friday afternoons work for everyone. I think we could plan the next weeks outing during the current weeks outing and then post it on the blog on the weekend so that if anyone else wants to join us they can. How does Kin beach at 2pm tomorrow sound?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Open Pottery Studio

Open studio session at Danial's
Danial Stark a local potter has generously volunteered his studio for children to make a clay pot that he will fire in his ANAGAMA kiln next month. This is a rare opportunity as it is the only kiln that I know of in the Okanagan. It is a wood-fired kiln and will be fired for about 4 days. Date and Time: Monday September 22 from 1-3 pm. Address: 2905-25th St. (go through gate at the side of the house and you will see the studio in the back yard.Contact number if you have questions: Danial at 503-0223. I hope that anyone participating will make a donation for the clay.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Park Days

Is anyone interested in setting up times to play at a park or go for a hike? I would really like to keep up with the social times this fall. Our little group seems to be growing and thriving. I was so happy to see so many children of different ages playing together last week. This is what I've been wanting for my girls for so long. I know it can be hard to find a time and place that works for everyone but let's give it a shot. If you are interested perhaps you could write out the best times and your favorite places for a start.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Documentary movie nights

Hi everyone,

Are any of you interested in joining me once a month to watch a documentary at my house?
There are so many that I would like to see, but Derek would rather scratch his eyes out than watch another one with me! I would like to start at 7:30 and then have some discussion afterwards. I'm pretty flexible about dates. If you are interested let me know which evening works best for you and if there are any documentaries you'd like to see. Right now I have "The Business of Being Born" and would love to watch it this week or on the weekend. If that doesn't work for anyone I'll watch it alone and get another one for the week of the 15th.

Monday, September 8, 2008

oak meadow for sale

I have the Oak Meadow First grade syllabus, the Fairy tales book, the Process Manual and Heart of Learning (K-3) and a song book, word family book, and tape of songs. I just checked on-line and they are asking $315 for all those things (well, the tape is a CD now). I'm selling it for $50 if anyone is interested - if not, I might try selling it on ebay. Let me know if you are interested or pass this info on to anyone you know. I could bring it to our next meeting if anyone wants to look at it.

wildlife park, BMX

Hi gang,

I'm booking a field trip to the BC wildlife park out of Kamloops for Wed., Oct. 15 at 11 am. The park is 1/2 hour from Falkland, so 1 hr from Vernon. The program will be 1.5 hours and called Saving our Species. There's info about the programs on the website at They guarantee animal encounters! It will be $5 or $6 dollars per child I think. I have to know numbers by Oct. 1. There's lots to see at the park, including 2 grizzly bears and lots of injured owls and eagles etc.. They are really into conservation and rehabilitation etc. - I think it's a pretty ethical and important place for BC wildlife (well, there are a few exotic faces too - camels and monkeys). The orphaned baby deer are really sweet.

Also, wondering if anyone wants to go to the BMX park on Friday, Sept. 19.

Park Day Tuesday...

Hi All:

There are a bunch of us Kelowna homelearners coming to Vernon tomorrow for a visit to the Science Centre. We will be finished at the Science Centre at 2 and some of us are planning to head over to the playground at Poulson Park then. We would love for lots of you Vernon families to join us there. For the next couple of months we will be meeting every 2nd and 4th Tuesday afternoons at the Science Centre. We could make it a regular park day afterwards if some of you would like to join us.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Co-sleeping survey

Hi everyone,

I know we don't all co-sleep and I feel unsure about using this blog for my own interests - so ignore this if it doesn't apply to you. If you have co-slept with your children or babies and you would like to protect the rights of others to do the same in the future...then check out this survey. It only takes a couple of minutes. Apparently some women in the states are being threatened by child protection for co-sleeping. So sad. This survey has been put together to get the real numbers out there.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jan Hunt coming to Falkland

Hi Everyone. Posting for Donna again (I think her internet will be up and running next week). She has arranged for the one and only Jan Hunt (Natural Child Project) to meet with parents for $15 per person on October 22. She'll be staying with Donna in Westwold but we thought we would book the Seniors Hall in Falkland to make it closer for all of you. So that makes it about a half hour drive to hear this amazing woman. How does 6:30 pm sound? For those who don't know her work you can check her out on the Natural Child Project website. She's an attachment parenting guru and I think very pro-homeschooling etc.. too. I guess at some point we would need to know numbers but for now pencil it into your calendar and we'll ask who's coming closer to the time.