Monday, December 10, 2007

Ski Program

Edited to add: Lessons are at 9am..... sorry, I tried for a later time, I really did....

Edited to add:
First problem - Michelle is no longer able to help with dealing with the money. Is anyone else interested? I am not sure if I am up for organizing it all by myself. Numbers are not my strength and I found that part very stressful.

I have received the package from Silver Star and here are this year's prices. They have quoted only one price regardless of age this year and please note the change for parents. Prices are per time - so x5 if you are attending all 5 times:

Lesson: $10
Lift/lesson: $17
Lift/lesson/Rental skiing: $22
Lift/lesson/rental boarding: $27

Cross Country
Lesson $10
Lesson/Track $12
Lesson/track/rental $14

Parents MUST be helping to obtain these rates:

Lift $25
Rental skiing $10
Rental boarding $13
Track ticket $12
Rental track $2

I notice that although the parent rates are higher than in the past, they no longer have to pay for a lesson so it works out to be about the same.

I will require confirmation of attendance by December 20. I will collect forms and money by January 3. Please e-mail me ASAP if you are interested: And please pass on this information to anyone who might be interested.

As always, you do not have to go all 5 times - whatever works for your family is fine. However, if you are only planning on doing a few times, if you require lessons (are a beginner) I would highly recommend attending the first few times as the class advances fairly quickly and in the past, it has been difficult for those that have missed the first time or two.

Thanks! Andrea

I have booked ski/board lesson program for North Okanagan Home Learners for January 10, 17, 24, 31 and Feb 7. Right now the arrangement depends on us having enough numbers for the lessons (5 per level). If we don't, then we will have to see if others scheduled for that day will allow some of our students to join them. If you are interested, please e-mail me ( and I will send you the forms. Michelle is going to be handling the money end of things (thank you Michelle). We will be collecting money and forms by January 3, 2008. If you are requisitioning a cheque from SD, that can be arranged. Visa won't work as all payments will be made to Michelle and then she pays the mountain each week. I will be e-mailing NOCHE as well to see if they would like to join us.


1 comment:

Mary-Sue said...

I'll do the money/numbers part, Andrea. Thanks for organizing this.