Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Meeting This Week - Location?

Talkin' Donkey's room upstairs is booked by someone else tomorrow night. Does anyone have any other preferences? If it's a nice evening we could sit outside at Blenz (across from Super Store)? Thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Blenz is fine with me ... as long as I don't have to look at Superstore .. I still spend way to much time there.


Caroline said...

That works for me too. I'll try to remember to phone Kathy once we decide on a location as I know she's coming for sure.

Caroline said...

Could we leave a message for people at the Talkin' Donkey? In case others show up that don't read this in time?

Kathy said...

As I watch the weather turn stormy, I think we will be needing an indoor location. Inside Blenz? I have never been inside so I don't know how big it is.