Monday, December 29, 2008
Skating on the Lake
Rhiannon and I went down to Kal Beach today and she had a blast skating on the lake. We are planning on going tomorrow afternoon if anyone would like to join us. We will head down after lunch - around 1 or 1:30 and stay for an hour or so. Be great to see some of you!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Love from the Gilbank Family: Chris, Caroline, Justin, Ashleigh, Shelby the Shih tzu, Luigi the Budgie, and the Fish

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Hello everyone!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Swimming This Thursday
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Meeting Thursday?
7pm, downstairs of Bean to Cup?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Rhythmic Gymnastics Production of A Christmas Carol
Edited to add: More tickets have come available but I have to give our final numbers (and a cheque) to Camille on Monday. So far we are at 36. So contact me as soon as possible if you would like to come.
Hello everyone,
We are invited to attend the school performance next Friday, November 28. There are only 20 seats left. I am going to reserve them all. Please contact me as soon as possible if you would like to attend. Several home learners will be in the orchestra and the performance. You can contact me at or 250-503-5416.
The following is the information:
I am writing you as Head Coach/Choreographer of the Okanagan Rhythmic Gymnastics Club to let you know of a Production of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol that we will be presenting together with the Vernon Community Music School’s Carriage House Orchestra at the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre this November.
Ring in the season, with the magic and intrigue of this spectacular re-imagined classic through a dynamic fusion of live music, drama, dance, gymnastics, acrobatics, rhythmic gymnastics and cirque-like storytelling. The show has been creatively crafted to be especially dazzling and interesting for children.
It is a story that will captivate young and old alike and we believe that it will be a great opportunity for students to be exposed to and inspired by an artistic/athletic endeavor. They will have the opportunity to see young performers, accomplished musicians and athletes (current/past national and international competitors and even an Olympian).
We are presenting a morning show (9:30am start) for students and staff on Friday, November 28th 2008. Seats are $5/person. The production is approx. one hour and 40 minutes long including a brief intermission. Buses need to be there at least 15-20 minutes before start time so we can accommodate seating and start/finish on time.
We are confident that adults and children of all ages will delight in this experience.
Camille Martens
Today's Hike at McKergow Meadows
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Homeschooling Legal Defense Association Session
Homeschool Info Session in Vernon
Homeschooling Open Seminar Tour (H.O.S.T.) by the Homeschool Legal Defense Association (Canada) (Speaker: Paul Faris)
DATE: Thursday, November 20, 7:00 p.m.
PLACE: Best Western Vernon Lodge (Okanagan Room)
Contact: Lina at 558-5537
What's it all about?
- To support and strengthen local homeschooling networks
- To provide strong vision of the benefits of home education
- To establish the credibility (and superiority) of homeschooling as an educational option
- To help new homeschoolers start strong and stay strong on their journey of home education
- To promote the benefits of membership with HSLDA
- Those who are open to homeschooling but have not yet started
- Those who have started homeschooling and are open to learning more
- Those who have become discouraged with homeschooling
- Skeptical family and friends of homeschoolers
Admission is Free. Coffee and Tea will be available.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Does any HS group or other group organize one of these days. Last year in Maple Ridge it was held at the Eagles Hall and worked out well. I can't remember all the details but the kids sold crafts in the afternoon, they was a potluck dinner I think and then performances... We just did the crafts part...just having a new baby at the time... but I think everybody was pleased with how it went...
Are the meetings scheduled for the last Thursday of each month? Is there a back-up phone contact list?
Since I'm new in town I wonder if anyone could help me with contacts for raw milk, free-range eggs, and chickens(to eat) to buy? I've tried Naomi's Birdsong Farm in Enderby (raw milk) with no luck with e-mail or phone number... And for eggs I've tried the Farmers Market but am not sure they are free-range as they are selling so many dozens....
Some other ideas I have which I have e-mailed GVRC on are skillastics: - non-competitive, physically challenging which kids play a board game ..... Mission HS (everybody group) got it offered this fall and I thought it would be good to try? fyi
Are there any meet at the park days arranged?
I'm going to give Jill's no knead bread recipe a try. I'm excited because there is no sugar or honey in it.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Meeting Reminder
Just a reminder that our next parent support meeting is tomorrow night, Thursday, October 30 at 7pm downstairs at Bean to Cup. Hope to see you all there!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Dance Class
I just realized that I hadn't posted this here and there might be some who are interested. I still have 4 more spots available for the class.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Michael has been taking Tae Kwon Do at Kees for the past year and really enjoys it. I appreciate that they encourage respect, dedication, self discipline etc as well as helping kids develop coordination, balance, strength and flexibility. They have a promotion on right now & have given their students one month free membership passes to give to their friends. I have a few, and wanted to put these out to the group. If anyone has been considering martial arts, a one month trial could be a good way to check it out. Would you please pass this on to the rest of the homeschooling group. If anyone is interested they can contact me directly (558-4695) & I can get the passes to them.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Grey Canal Trail
Monday, October 20, 2008
p.s. any tips for snowshoe buying for the area/type of snow/gentle trails
pps anybody good at making sourdough bread because I need dough is sooooo sticky but I really would like to get better at making sourdough bread
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Jan Hunt update
Friday, October 10, 2008
Ski Program 2009
I know the leaves are still a little green to be thinking about skiing but it is time to get organized to make sure we have the experience we would like. (well, actually, Mary Sue is organized, you know me....)
Mary Sue and I are starting to get organized for this year's ski program. We will be booking a Thursday 10am lesson slot on Jan 22, 29, Feb 5, 12 and 26 - a total of 5 days. (February 12 will be a 11am lesson time) Before we can confirm those dates, we need to have an idea of numbers - so we know if we have enough to do it by ourselves like last year or if we need to get together with another group.
Lift/lesson: $17
Lift/lesson/Rental skiing: $22
Lift/lesson/rental boarding: $27
Cross Country
Lesson $10
Lesson/Track $12
Lesson/track/rental $14
Parents MUST be helping to obtain these rates:
Lift $25
Rental skiing $10
Rental boarding $13
Track ticket $12
Rental track $2
I notice that although the parent rates are higher than in the past, they no longer have to pay for a lesson so it works out to be about the same.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
so sorry - cancelling
If anyone wants to take it over, they are welcome. I can send you the contact info.
I'm snapping at my kids and feeling sick inside. I don't know why I do this to myself and I don't know why I hate planning things, but there it is.
I'm very sorry. First the park wouldn't let all us parents in during the program, and now a $5 event has turned into a $14 or more event. It seems very wrong to me, that they couldn't accomodate us for $5. I'm through with it.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
wildlife update
Ok, I can pay $80 which we would split into everyone who shows up and then on top of that everyone would pay admission just as if it were a normal day - so if you have a membership you don't pay but if you don't, it's $12 per adult and $9 per child.
And for that we would get a tour and a private animal encounter.
So this could get mightly pricey for people with a few kids. I say we take our chances on a weekend - there's lots to do for a whole lot longer and it's much cheaper. We could plan a date and meet up there - car-pool just as we were planning.
AND - if people are interested in an outing that is free (except for gas), you are all invited out to my house for a hike in the woods - we have lots of trails and it's pretty cool in there, no difficult hiking but a great forest, and we could bring a picnic lunch (weather permitting) OR just hike and then have a kind of potluck lunch here at the house OR perhaps we could all meet and go hiking up Mt. Rose/Swanson outside of Armstrong. That is my all-time favourite hike and it's do-able for little kids too - and the view at the top is outstanding.
So there's some options - let me know. We could even do some "activities" on the hike - I have tonnes of cool books with wonderful ideas I've been wanting to try out. If everyone wears hoodies we could lie on the forest floor and imagine what it's like to be a bug. hee hee hee
So this would all depend on the weather of course.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Wildlife Park 2
Well, I think I emailed everyone who said they were coming, but I'm just making sure everyone knows the scoop.
So the park says that they will accomodate only 1 parent per 5 children in the "classroom" for the program and the rest would have to pay and then I guess could walk around the park and look at the animals. Younger siblings are not welcome in the classroom either. Their program strictly attends to ministry curriculum, but is supposedly "interactive and exciting". I must say I am just not sure. For some of you it's a very long way to go to end up in a restrictive, "schooly" type presentation.
I don't know how we decide which ones of us get to participate and which don't - the whole thing is ridiculous because we all want to be able to discuss the day with our kids I would imagine. I suspect that these folks (like so many others) just don't know how to get their mind out of a school-type situation. I must say I'm disappointed. The booking person suggested that we could go on a weekend instead when they do have animal encounters for the public. We have done this before and it is great - Liam had a snowy owl fly to his arm the first time we ever went.
So - I'm really not sure about going ahead and paying for it. The restrictions on parents and younger siblings is very off-putting. My inclination is to just go on a weekend and do our own thing, but if most people still want to go, we can do that too.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
BMX on friday
Monday, September 29, 2008
Bread Recipe
My mom taught me how to make bread. I don't even know where she got this recipe. :0)
*Mix 6 cups luke warm water (sometimes I do hot and just have it cool down to the right temperature...this helps the sugar to dissolve nicely) with 5 table spoons sugar.
*When water is luke warm, sprinkler in 2 tablespoons yeast.
*Once yeast has activated, add 2 table spoons salt and 5 table spoons oil.
*Stir in the flour (I use best for bread, white, and whole wheat. I visited Roger's Foods (half way to Armstrong) for the first time this summer and was pleased with their flour) This varies each time. You just add it a scoop at a time until it feels right! This is the step that it's best for me to teach you in person for, if you are interested.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wildlife Park
phone - 379-2057
I'm pretty sure we have 10 confirmed, so with 2 more that would make it $5 per child. I will try to get it so that parents are free.
Jan Hunt edit - AGAIN
Tuesday, Oct. 21, at the Senior Centre (ok, that part could be changed.......) in Falkland.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Celebrate Rivers Day 2008!
Join us for a FREE, fun, family event
Greater Vernon Recreation Complex
Sunday, September 28th 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
BC Rivers Day is a province‐wide event, held every year on the last Sunday in September. So come join
communities around BC in celebrating the amazing rivers, creeks and lakes that make this such a great place
to live.
Rivers Day will kick off with a creek clean up. Get together with family, friends or co‐workers and sign‐up to
clean a section of creek in Greater Vernon. Please pre‐register online at or call 250‐260‐4227.
Keep in mind you’ll need close‐toed shoes and appropriate clothing for the cleanup.
If you do not have a group or want to celebrate with us in other ways, there is plenty to do.
Events Include:
􀂾 Yellow Fish Storm Drain Painting
􀂾 Reusable Bag Design School Contest Judging
􀂾 Paint your own Reusable Bag
􀂾 Creek Cleanup Contest
􀂾 Trash Sculpture Creation
For more information
Allan Brooks Nature Centre 250‐260‐4227
Jan Hunt in Falkland
It will be $15 per person, $20 for couples (what a great deal!).
Hope some of you can make it out!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Friday hike anyone?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Poulson Park Tomorrow..
I just wanted to remind you that some of us will be heading to Poulson Park tomorrow at about 2pm, after our Science Centre visit. We'd love to see you there!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Park day tomorrow
It doesn't look like there is much interest in having a regular park time this fall. If that is the case it seems silly for those of us who are interested to go to the same park every week. How about we take it week by week and try out new parks and hikes . It looks like Friday afternoons work for everyone. I think we could plan the next weeks outing during the current weeks outing and then post it on the blog on the weekend so that if anyone else wants to join us they can. How does Kin beach at 2pm tomorrow sound?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Open Pottery Studio
Danial Stark a local potter has generously volunteered his studio for children to make a clay pot that he will fire in his ANAGAMA kiln next month. This is a rare opportunity as it is the only kiln that I know of in the Okanagan. It is a wood-fired kiln and will be fired for about 4 days. Date and Time: Monday September 22 from 1-3 pm. Address: 2905-25th St. (go through gate at the side of the house and you will see the studio in the back yard.Contact number if you have questions: Danial at 503-0223. I hope that anyone participating will make a donation for the clay.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Park Days
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Documentary movie nights
Are any of you interested in joining me once a month to watch a documentary at my house?
There are so many that I would like to see, but Derek would rather scratch his eyes out than watch another one with me! I would like to start at 7:30 and then have some discussion afterwards. I'm pretty flexible about dates. If you are interested let me know which evening works best for you and if there are any documentaries you'd like to see. Right now I have "The Business of Being Born" and would love to watch it this week or on the weekend. If that doesn't work for anyone I'll watch it alone and get another one for the week of the 15th.
Monday, September 8, 2008
oak meadow for sale
wildlife park, BMX
I'm booking a field trip to the BC wildlife park out of Kamloops for Wed., Oct. 15 at 11 am. The park is 1/2 hour from Falkland, so 1 hr from Vernon. The program will be 1.5 hours and called Saving our Species. There's info about the programs on the website at They guarantee animal encounters! It will be $5 or $6 dollars per child I think. I have to know numbers by Oct. 1. There's lots to see at the park, including 2 grizzly bears and lots of injured owls and eagles etc.. They are really into conservation and rehabilitation etc. - I think it's a pretty ethical and important place for BC wildlife (well, there are a few exotic faces too - camels and monkeys). The orphaned baby deer are really sweet.
Also, wondering if anyone wants to go to the BMX park on Friday, Sept. 19.
Park Day Tuesday...
There are a bunch of us Kelowna homelearners coming to Vernon tomorrow for a visit to the Science Centre. We will be finished at the Science Centre at 2 and some of us are planning to head over to the playground at Poulson Park then. We would love for lots of you Vernon families to join us there. For the next couple of months we will be meeting every 2nd and 4th Tuesday afternoons at the Science Centre. We could make it a regular park day afterwards if some of you would like to join us.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Co-sleeping survey
I know we don't all co-sleep and I feel unsure about using this blog for my own interests - so ignore this if it doesn't apply to you. If you have co-slept with your children or babies and you would like to protect the rights of others to do the same in the future...then check out this survey. It only takes a couple of minutes. Apparently some women in the states are being threatened by child protection for co-sleeping. So sad. This survey has been put together to get the real numbers out there.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Jan Hunt coming to Falkland
Friday, August 29, 2008
ducklings anyone?
camping anyone?
I am interested but all weekends in September are already booked for me. rats.
Processing Last night's meeting
I feel compelled to try to process the amazing conversation we started last night. Our topic centered around mother self-care and I think I started to see just why this topic is so difficult; that perhaps we are stuck in beliefs that don't really allow us to think we matter enough. I mean, we didn't really get much into "how-to's", which I think we all want - because there is so much other stuff to process first. I think what makes our conversations so amazingly rich is that each of us is willing, at some time or another, to say out loud "wait a minute - you guys are totally overwhelming me and I feel inadequate" or whatever. It's those little glimmers of raw, gut-wrenching honest statements that really move us forward, and I want to thank all of you who have done this at some point or another (I hope you know who you are)!
I had a follow-up insight this morning, and it was really profound, but I've already forgotten it - sigh. But here's a new thought; maybe we need a phone list, so that if we get in a low spot we can call through the list until we find someone home who can walk us through our crisis. Well - it's an idea anyway, coming from someone who lives farther away than most. And I'll try to remember my really profound thought (I'm just sure it was a good one - LOL. It was something to do with those of us who keep trying this or that strategy to get our kids on-board with helping out, all to no avail............) and my phone number is 379-2057. It is long distance for most of you but if you phone me I can phone you right back toll free.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Meeting Reminder
I hope you are all having a great summer! Our next Parent Support Meeting is next Thursday, August 28 at 7pm downstairs at Bean to Cup as usual. Looking forward to seeing everyone! It feels like it has been forever!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Is Anyone Going To the Beach Tomorrow?
My kids are in a horse camp until 11:30 tomorrow, but would love to see some kids at the beach afterwards. Is anyone thinking of going? I know Caroline is not able to come, but Amanda mentioned she would like to come up to Vernon this week.
We will probably be able to get there by 12:15 or so.
Thanks, Kathy
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Rare Earth Blues Festival
I would really like to go to this - either Aug. 30 or 31st. It's $40 per adult and free for kids under 12 (although I won't bring mine because they don't like stuff like this). I was just wondering if anyone else would like to go too?
Monday, August 11, 2008
Beach Day Tomorrow?
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Paddlewheel Park Beach on Tuesday
We are planning to go to the beach on Tuesday if the weather is still good. Anyone else going? We'll be there around 10am or so.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Next Meeting on July 31st
I just called Bean-to-Cup and they have the room reserved for us on the 31st at 7pm. So I guess I'll see you all there then.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Beach Days?
We're back from our holidays and wondering if people are still getting together on Tuesdays somewhere.
We would love to see you, Kathy
Friday, July 18, 2008
organic apricots for sale
Anita Fletcher asked me to post that she has lots of organic apricots for sale. They are from her friend's organic farm and are $1.60 a lb and come in 22 lb boxes for a total of $ 35.20. I've seen them and they are lovely. Phone her at 542-8302 if you want any.
runaway moon theatre
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Film-making mentor
She's wondering if anyone is interested in having a film-maker fellow from Toronto out to do a week or so of workshop with kids - he could do animation, photography, etc.. She can apply for a Canada Arts Council grant if there's interest to cover his travel expenses and then there would be a cost for each child as well.
Could someone post this query to the Christian group as well?
Donna can be contacted at 250-572- 3446
Friday, July 4, 2008
Beach Day in Winfield....
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
jewellry show
Just wanted to let everyone know that my sister-in-law will be at my place on July 27th with all her jewellry for sale - so we're doing an open house which means all day long.....and if some of you would like to get together and come out that would be awesome (you don't have to buy's just for fun; a frivolous girl date).
hope to see some of you out in Falkland (it's not that far, honest it's not - LOL).
I am also going to have chickens by then so you can come admire them as well. I'm getting my rooster tonight.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
It was wonderful to meet with all of you on Thursday. It feels great to have such support. I think you are all amazing moms. What lucky kids. I thought I would try and see if my post actually goes on the blog. I also have some friends in Ashcroft who would love to come to the next meeting. Looking forward to a beach visit and the opportunity to get together with kids. Take care. Donna
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Meeting Reminder
Friday, June 20, 2008
Host families wanted.
Jacob, the organizer of Korean homestays, has a 12yo boy coming for 12 weeks, July 9 to Sept. 20th I think, and is lookingfor a host family. He also has several short term, 4 weeks, students coming. Hosting families receive $1200/month, which includes 2 hours of"tutoring time" by mom, and they cover all the activity expenses of the child. The students have other independent work to do as well. We are really enjoying our student, Su Hwan. He is funny and enjoys playing games. I haven't found it difficult to fit in the 2 hours oftutoring...we fit it in throughout the day. So if you are interested and want more info, just drop me a note!Shandra
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Snow White - Rhythmic Gymnastics
Here are the details:
To: Whom It May Concern
From: Camille Martens – Okanagan Rhythmic Gymnastics
Date: May 15, 2008
Re: Exciting Production at the Performing Arts Centre for Schools
I am writing you as Head Coach/Choreographer of the Okanagan Rhythmic Gymnastics Club to let you know of a Production of Snow White that we will be presenting at the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre this June.
The show uses a dynamic fusion of drama, dance, music, gymnastics, acrobatics, rhythmic gymnastics and cirque-like storytelling to relay the captivating tale of Snow White, her wicked stepmother, the seven dwarves and the charming prince. The show has been creatively crafted to be especially dazzling and interesting for children.
It is a story that will captivate young and old alike and we believe that it will be a great opportunity for students to be exposed and inspired to an artistic/athletic endeavor. They will have the opportunity to see young performers, current national and international competitors and even past Olympians in this exciting 10 year anniversary show.
We are presenting a morning show (9:30am start) for students and staff on Thursday, June 19th 2008. Seats are $5/person. The production is one hour and 45 minutes long including a brief intermission. Buses need to be there at least10-15 minutes before start times so we can accommodate seating and start/finish on time.
We are confident that adults and children of all ages will delight in this experience.
Camille Martens
Monday, June 16, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Vernon Science Centre
A FREE workshop for homeschooling families in the Okanagan,
Tuesday, June 24, 2008; 10:00am – 12:00pm
Join OSC staff for a morning of science exploration, all about food! Your family will visit three different stations, each offering some hands-on food fun. Explore what the OSC has to offer
and network with other homeschooling families in the Okanagan.
Composting Who’s Who? (45 minute program)What do we find in the compost heap? What is the food web? Can you see life under the microscope?
Food Chemistry (45 minute program)Are the liquids we consume acids or bases? Does our food contain starch? Is there carbon dioxide in our breath?
interact, and discover information about food safety and security, agriculture, food packaging , labeling, and nutrition.
No pre-registration necessary - admission is free and on a first come, first served basis.
Space is limited.
This is a family program; adult supervision is required (no drop-offs)
Friday, June 13, 2008
Waterslide - June 27
$7.00 a child,
adults and children 13 and over are $9.00
to just sit in the hot tub for them is $7.00 and $4.00 to just sit in the park
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Winfield Park Day
I know I mentioned today that I was hoping to arrange a joint Vernon and Kelowna park day in Winfield on June 18th, but I was just reminded of another field trip that was scheduled for that day.
So, I would like to suggest that we meet at Jack Seaton Park on Wednesday June 25th at 1pm. I hope this works well for everyone and I look forward to seeing you then.
Monday, June 2, 2008
TV in moderation -- Kerry Trevelyan
Last night we talked a lot about NOT letting our kids watch TV, and all of the comments were completely valid. I kept thinking about how we could spin something negative, yet completely prevalent in our society, into something positive and useful. We watch TV in our house, even some of the mainstream shows, but the difference is, that I don't use the TV as a 'babysitter'--there is some value of watching programs together, as a family, and talking about things that are happening...making it into an active rather than passive experience. We need to teach our kids to deconstruct the advertising that they see in the media, because that is an invasive part of our that you can't avoid if you don't watch TV. Luckily my kids are still at the Treehouse stage, which doesn't have commercials trying to sell them things; but even then, I noticed the other day that McDonald's has cleverly inserted an 'active moment' which is a commercial in disguise. I liked Angela's comment about moderation, because really, we need to teach the kids about understanding the good, the bad, and the ugly about popular culture, and self regulate their own involvement in that. So, I say YES TV, in moderation, and as a group experience--I just wanted to add a point of view for the other side!
Kal Beach Tomorrow
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Hike Tomorrow
When: Wednesday, May 21, at 1:00 pm, begin hike at 1:30
Where: Jack Seaton Park, which is towards Okanagan Lake in Winfield. I haven't been there, but from this map (click to see, it's the green splotch between the 10 and the 3) it looks like going South (coming from Vernon) I'd turn right onto Berry Road (right before the shopping centre), right again (North) onto Okanagan Centre Road East, then left or West on Camp Road which takes you to the entrance of the park. There's probably a better way to get there, and if anyone knows one, please leave directions in the comments!
Hope it's not raining too hard and hope to see everyone there.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Next Meeting
Monday, May 12, 2008
Up and Coming
Next track and field practice: (weather permitting)
When: Wednesday, May 14th, 10:00am - noon (approx.)
Where: N'Kwala Park. This is by St. John's Luthern church. Turn on McDonald St. by the Tek Mar building on Silver Star Road. Parking is just down McDonald Road.
Also, a reminder that Amanda is organizing a Kelowna/Vernon homeschooler joint hike at Jack Seaton Park in Winfield on May 21, Wed., I'm not sure of the time yet. Is anyone else planning to go? We'll be in Kelowna that morning for a doctor appointment so we're planning to join them. It'd be great if people could carpool. If it's a nice enough day they're planning to stay a good long time and take picnics. I'll post more when I learn more.
Lastly, can everyone comment on their preference for the next meeting? Can enough people make it on Friday the 30th? Monique, you're still planning to come if it's on the Friday? Can more people weigh in on this please? Andrea's waiting to hear back. Thanks!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Open studio session at Danial's
Date and Time: Saturday May 3 from 12-4 pm.
Address: 2905-25th St. (go through gate at the side of the house and you will see the studio in the back yard.
Contact number if you have questions: Danial at 503-0223
I'll be there helping out and I hope that anyone participating will make a donation for the clay. I'll set up a jar or something for these donations as I don't think Danial should be covering the cost of the clay himself.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Problem with Next Meeting
So what do we want to do? Keep the meeting on the Friday? Maybe Monique can make it? I really can't promise to attend a Friday evening, myself but I can try. Or do we want to do the Thursday of the week before? May 22? That will be the beginning of the long week end, though. Or have the meeting on the 29th but have it somewhere else? Portillos? Other suggestions?
Friday, April 25, 2008
Goings On...
every TUESDAY, 12:15pm - hike days, bring a lunch and swimming suits, (April 29 - meet at Red Gate for hike in Kal Park)
May 3, Sat, time to be announced - invitation to throw a pot at Daniel's studio, more info coming
May 9, 10 - Peter Pan extravaganza at VPAC
May 11, 2pm - James & the Giant Peach - sign language production at VPAC
May 21, Wed., 1pm - hike with Kelowna homeschoolers at Jack Seaton Park, Winfield
June 13 - Track and Field Day at Polson Park, practices in May (more info to follow)
Invitation: If anyone wants to plan an activity, please do so! There is no formality in our group -- so for people just joining us, brainstorm with your kids about what they'd like to do togethr and plan something!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Earth Day Hike
Hello again,
I am wondering if anyone would be interested in doing a hike on Earth Day - which is this coming Tuesday. Julie and I and our girls found a wonderful trail yesterday in Kal Park and I would love to do it again as a group. The balsam flowers are just about to break out and the forest floor is covered in little wildflowers. I'd like to go around 12:30 and leave from the red gate. Anyone interested? I'm going to bring a picnic - maybe we could make it potluck healthy snacks if there is enough of us.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Next Meeting and Park Day??
Just a reminder that our next parent support meeting will be at Bean To Cup at 7pm on the 24th (Thurs). Everyone welcome! Even people who are just wondering about the possibility of homeschooling!
Also, we'd briefly discussed setting up a weekly play-day but didn't come up with a definite time or place. Any suggestions?
Do Wednesdays 11-ish til 3-ish (come when it works, leave when you're through) at Lakeview Park work for anyone? Or while it's still cool would people rather meet for hikes at Kal Park?
Any thoughts?
Barber Of Barkerville Opera TOMORROW (THURS)
Viva Musica Society is excited to announce that we are opening our doors to the general public to come to see the Vancouver Opera Touring Ensemble’s school production of The Barber of Barkerville.
Vancouver Opera in the Schools presents an opera for children adapted from one of the world’s most popular operas. Rossini’s comic masterpiece, The Barber of Seville has been relocated to BC’s historic Barkerville during the exciting gold rush. Figaro, a crafty and mischievous barber, uses trickery and disguise to help Al, a love-struck young man, liberate the beautiful Rosie from the clutches of the dastardly innkeeper, Bart.
Especially adapted for younger audiences, but perfect for all ages, these fully staged and costumed operas last approximately 45 minutes.
The general public is invited to attend either of two showings.
Celebrate B.C.’s 150th anniversary.
Showtimes: 10 am and 12:30 pm
Date: April 17, 2008
Location: Kelowna Community Theatre
Tickets: $6:00 payable at the door.
Large groups can reserve tickets by calling 762-8967 or emailing vivamusica@telus. net
Children's Festival
I've just been looking at the Rotary Okanagan International Children's Festival website and am pretty excited. How did I not know that this was happening?! It looks really cool and I'm wondering if anyone would like to make a day trip of it with us. It runs from May 22-24th. and I'm thinking that I'd like to go on the Saturday and avoid the huge groups of school kids and go as a family. The family price to enter the grounds is $15 - pretty reasonable I think. I tried to see if we could get a group rate as homeschoolers, but the cut off date for group registration was April 2nd. They have tons of shows for free on the Open Stage and may have tickets available for the main stage performances available at the ticket office on the day we are there. Anyone interested ?
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Let's Play Ball
Fastball is a kind of softball (uses a larger ball vs the smaller ball of baseball). It has a fast underhand pitch that goes straight across the plate (vs the high, slow, arc of slow pitch)Fastball is an Olympic sport for girls and Vernon Minor Fastball is a girls organization. Boys once played as well all through the different levels. Now they only play at the lower levels. However the Learn to Play program prepares them just as well for baseball as for fastball. Our teams are a mix of boys and girls and emphasis is on fun and personal skill development. I rely heavily on support from parents to fun games and drills.
If you are interested, you need to fill out a registration which you can do on the first Saturday (but I need to know you are coming) April 26. Registration is $45. Please call me, Andrea, at 250-503-5416 or e-mail if you have questions or you want to join us.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Next Parent Support Meeting
Just a reminder that our next parent support meeting is this Thursday, March 27 at 7pm downstairs at Bean to Cup.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
dinner and Jill's baby
It's looking like dinner for March 29 will work for many people, so let's do that. We haven't settled on a place yet so that needs some creative thinking.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Science Centre Play Time
Thursday, March 6, 2008
dinner - part 3
I would really like to attend this event too - I had it planned for a long time but.......well - let's just blame it all on Dean for not giving lots of warning (I guess it was touch and go as they weren't sure the CD would be ready in time).
Anyway, I am now wondering about dinner and night out on Silverstar instead, and if any of you would be able to bring your partners, because I would like to bring mine. Or - if it would be better for us to re-book dinner for the next night, Sunday the 16th - or what. We have started this conversation in the Okanagan conference in The SD Village as well - so far there are no firm decisions made.
The tickets for the Redfish gig are $15, available at the Bean Scene. I'll be in town on Sat. this week so would like to know if I should get tickets. So what do you all think??
Friday, February 29, 2008
repost of Okanagan Symphony information
From the Okanagan Symphony – For Immediate ReleaseDecember 2007Dear Teachers, Parents and Music Educators,After over a decade of success, the Okanagan Symphony Educational School Concert Series is still going strong. This April, the series will celebrate its 12th year running. This programme has educated and inspired young minds for many years and has allowed children a glimpse into the wonderful world of classical music. As this program grows more and more each year, we are anticipating a most successful year ahead.We are very excited to have Rosemary Thomson as our new director and conductor this season. Rosemary demonstrated her tremendous abilities at last year’s school concert series and dazzled all attending with her love of music and children. For the upcoming season, Rosemary has selected a new and exciting programme entitled "A Day in the Country". This programme features selections from Elgar’s Bavarian Dance, "Spring" from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, Mahler’s Blumine, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6, River/Water from the Moldau by Smetana and more! We are delighted to invite young and talented local musicians Colleen and Alisha Venables to perform in the Four Seasons this year.Over the years, we have seen a steady rate increase in venue bookings, musician fees, and transportation fees. Our ticket prices have remained the same through it all. This year, we are increasing the ticket price from $5.00 to $6.00. Supportive funding is available from the Cherniavsky "Mr. Music" Fund administered by BC’s ArtStarts in Schools. For more information, please contact the agency directly at: essential complementary study guide will be available for incorporation into your curriculum shortly. Those schools that are interested and those that have already indicated interest in attending should now complete the registration form with full payment to confirm attendance and to guarantee seating. Receipts will be available upon request.Thank you all for your interest and great reviews of last year’s concert, and we are looking forward to welcoming you back for the Okanagan Symphony school concert series of the 2007-08 season!Crystal DoughtyProgram CoordinatorOkanagan SymphonyTel: 250-868-2469, email:
Monday, February 25, 2008
Next Meeting
See you Thursday!
Friday, February 15, 2008
dinner - part 2
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Lunar Eclipse Coming soon!!!!
On the evening of Wednesday, February 20th, the full Moon slides through the Earth’s shadow to create a lunar eclipse that is visible all over North America. There won’t be another total lunar eclipse visible on this continent until 2010. The eclipse starts just as the Moon starts to rise in the eastern sky around 5:40pm. When the Moon enters the Earth’s shadow, it will appear to change colour, becoming orange/red at full eclipse. This should last about an hour giving you plenty of time to get a good look and maybe snap a few photographs.
For more detailed information, visit the NASA eclipse page at
Friday, February 8, 2008
After Annette posted her close call driving home from Silver Star I am filled with gratitude for my friends and a desire for us all to connect and celebrate the spring time.
Would Friday, Mar 14 work?
Friday, February 1, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Future Meeting
I am wondering how well Friday evenings really work for people? I know that for me, if the meetings continue to be on Fridays, I will rarely be able to come as Dean is usually out of town and Kaetlyn and Drew (my babysitters) are usually out on Friday night. But if Friday is what works best for most people, I certainly don't want us to change it just for me but perhaps someone else could take over booking the room.
So far the room is booked only for Jan 25 as they didn't have their new calendar up when I booked it. I thought before I booked any more times, I would double check that we are going to continue with Friday nights. After last night I wondered if maybe there are others who are in the same boat as me. So I will leave the room booking until everyone is heard from and we decide what we are going to do.
So continue with the last Friday of the month?
Change back to Wednesday or Thursday - could have it the first one of the month to make up for this missed meeting.
Or other suggestions?
Friday, January 25, 2008
Bird Count
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Meeting Time Friday Night
UPDATE: Looks like not enough people can come tonight, so we'll reschedule at a later time.
So last month it seemed that more people could join us if our meetings were held on the last Friday of each month. So! That means we get to see each other tomorrow night!
Friday, Jan 25, Bean To Cup, 7pm (I hope someone's reserved the room?)
Hope to see you there...
what are the chances we might get a baby peek? naw. too soon.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
pins and needles
Big Hugs Jill, Derek, Olivia and Ivy!!
I do have some nice pictures from Jill's shower but am not sure how best to post those. Maybe if you tell me you want them I could email them to you? Is this a closed blog? Is it safe to post them here? Someone let me know.