Saturday, January 26, 2008

Future Meeting

Hello Everyone,

I am wondering how well Friday evenings really work for people? I know that for me, if the meetings continue to be on Fridays, I will rarely be able to come as Dean is usually out of town and Kaetlyn and Drew (my babysitters) are usually out on Friday night. But if Friday is what works best for most people, I certainly don't want us to change it just for me but perhaps someone else could take over booking the room.

So far the room is booked only for Jan 25 as they didn't have their new calendar up when I booked it. I thought before I booked any more times, I would double check that we are going to continue with Friday nights. After last night I wondered if maybe there are others who are in the same boat as me. So I will leave the room booking until everyone is heard from and we decide what we are going to do.

So continue with the last Friday of the month?

Change back to Wednesday or Thursday - could have it the first one of the month to make up for this missed meeting.

Or other suggestions?


julie said...

I can make a Thursday or Friday evening meeting (or Saturday/Sunday, for that matter). Monday through Wednesday is out for me until June.

ange said...

Thursday works for me.

karen said...

Fridays won't really work for me Thursdays or Wednesdays are better.

Mary-Sue said...

Fridays don't work well for me. Any other night works.

Ms. M said...

don't worry about me. Friday night is the only night that works for me but I can live with just seeing everyone once in a while - I'm so busy out here (esp. with new puppy) and trying to drive less and save the world and all that stuff........sigh......

maybe once in a while we can all meet on a friday or weekend night for dinner or something....

Andrea said...

So, it sounds like Thursdays work for almost everyone. I do like that idea, Monique of getting together once in awhile on a Friday for a dinner or something. I'd really like that. So I am going to go ahead and book the room for the first Thursday of February which is February 7th.