Thursday, January 24, 2008

Meeting Time Friday Night

UPDATE: Looks like not enough people can come tonight, so we'll reschedule at a later time.
So last month it seemed that more people could join us if our meetings were held on the last Friday of each month. So! That means we get to see each other tomorrow night!
Friday, Jan 25, Bean To Cup, 7pm (I hope someone's reserved the room?)
Hope to see you there...
what are the chances we might get a baby peek? naw. too soon.


Andrea said...

Yes, I reserved the room.

Mary-Sue said...

Thank you Andrea!
Is anyone else planning to come tonight?

julie said...

I'm hoping to be there, but have to find a babysitter first, since Brad's working tonight.

Mary-Sue said...

Karen isn't coming. Andrea most likely can't come. Should we postpone?

julie said...

I haven't found anyone to watch the girls - I won't be there and I'd love to reschedule.