Friday, August 29, 2008

camping anyone?

Angela is wondering about setting up some camping at Mable Lake in September. There are no bugs at this time of year, to be sure. Weekends seem to be preferable for most people. Who is interested, and what dates would work for you?

I am interested but all weekends in September are already booked for me. rats.


ange said...

I'm wondering if those interested could respond with which week-end works best:

1/ this week-end, Sept. 5 to 7 ... which would require me to rearrange a couple of family visits, but I'm sure they would understand, or maybe they'll come camping and I can do the visits there :)

2/ next week-end, Sept. 12 to 14

If everyone responds here we can get a sense of how much interest there is, and when would work best.

karen said...

Sepember 12-14th works best for us.