Monday, March 2, 2009

Contact Person for the Morning Star

Hello Everyone,

I have missed the last 3 meetings and it looks like I will be working on Thursdays for the foreseeable future. Most of you know that we have an announcement that runs monthly in the Community Calendar in the Morning Star for our Parent Support Meeting. I placed the announcement and I am the contact person for people to call with questions about the meeting or our group. I was wondering if someone would be willing to take over this responsibility? The announcement runs automatically and I can connect you with Katherine Mortimer who is the editor to change the name and phone number. Other than that initial change, your only responsibility is to answer questions if someone calls and to contact Katherine if the time or place change for the meeting. I have got very few calls but I have had a few lately. I thought that someone like Jill might be a good person to do this - you always seem to know everything that is going on.



Debby said...

I would be willing to be the contact person,though I do not attend meetings often,is this a pre-requisit? As you said, it is easy,but good to have for those new to town or homelearning.Thanks Debby

Andrea said...

Hi Debby, I thought it would be good if it was someone who went to the meetings. Now just before I came on here to check to see if anyone had responded, yet, I talked to Jill who said she would do it. I could put you both as contact people.