Saturday, May 26, 2007

Kaetlyn's pump

I realize that nothing has been said about raising money for Kaetlyn's pump. I was waiting for Andrea to post - but I'm beating you to it A.

Today was the second garage sale to raise money for the pump - this one was sponsored and managed by Century 21 and was a HUGE event. I don't know the final dollar figures but it topped the amount up to what was needed.

Suffice it to say that Kaetlyn should be getting her new pump this coming week! Yay! We did it! We CAN raise money. What an empowering feeling! I can hardly believe what we accomplished for one of our children.

Anything is possible! It was so great to see all the homeschooling faces today too, and to hear both Eli and Rhiannon busking with their violins (and Evan with his harmonica - grin). And Mika too I think? Wow. Lots of homeschooling talent. And of course the shopping talent of a lot of our kids too (and some dads as well). hee hee

Kaetlyn sure has a great community - what a powerful experience for her and for me too. Just wanted to express that.


Andrea said...

Yah, this has been amazing... I think I am still in the stunned phase. Although not too stunned to call and order the pump as soon as we got home... but still, stunned. Overwhelmed at the love and support of friends and strangers. Thank you everyone!

Mary-Sue said...

A truly wonderful experience for me. SO GLAD we're done!!! We NEED a celebratory party when the pump comes...