Monday, November 17, 2008

Meeting topic/ideas??? I have one.... "How to solicit good intentions rather than demand good behaviour" (Gordon Neufeld's book). Is it all about patience?


Jill said...

I just re-read that book and would love to discuss it - if no one else is interested we could do it over tea at my house. I think it's safe to say that we are all healthy now!

Ms. M said...

I'm interested in this topic. My husband and I have just started working through Dr. Thomas Gordon's Family Effectiveness Training program which basically teaches the same thing - and at the beginning we both realize we are a bit doubtful that we will ever get the kind of harmony in our house that we really want (it's so hard to change old patterns) but we're up to trying our very best. I've been going through Gordon Neufeld's work again too - we did a workshop with him 4 years ago but like I said - it's so hard changing old patterns.