Monday, September 8, 2008

wildlife park, BMX

Hi gang,

I'm booking a field trip to the BC wildlife park out of Kamloops for Wed., Oct. 15 at 11 am. The park is 1/2 hour from Falkland, so 1 hr from Vernon. The program will be 1.5 hours and called Saving our Species. There's info about the programs on the website at They guarantee animal encounters! It will be $5 or $6 dollars per child I think. I have to know numbers by Oct. 1. There's lots to see at the park, including 2 grizzly bears and lots of injured owls and eagles etc.. They are really into conservation and rehabilitation etc. - I think it's a pretty ethical and important place for BC wildlife (well, there are a few exotic faces too - camels and monkeys). The orphaned baby deer are really sweet.

Also, wondering if anyone wants to go to the BMX park on Friday, Sept. 19.


Kathy said...

This sounds great! We would love to go. (I guess we will just have to miss our swim lesson that day)

We also love the BMX track. Do you mean the one in Vernon? If so we'll join you!

Jill said...

We'll be there - that sounds so cool!

Anonymous said...

Hi Monique
Great that i can post here, since it is the only place now to connect with you online.
We would love to come. That is ELi and myself. Sol is going to school for three classes.(at school all day though)
I have been wanting to go to this park for some time.

Ms. M said...

Excellent - Lyn and Michael will come too. I was thinking 1:00 but maybe we'll grab some lunch and then arrive there at noon to eat. Then there's time before school is out and the big kids arrive. Or do people want to go earlier? Zane and Linda will meet us after 2:30 because Zane is in school now.
And yes, the one in Vernon.

julie said...

We'd love to come to the BMX track next week. And I think we can make it to the wildlife park, too.