Friday, February 9, 2007

Snow Fun

I took my kids out to the Candlemass celebration and it was very magical. One of their activities was painting in the snow. The kids had made a giant castle for the gnomes and some snow people and then all the children were given big paintbrushes and some yogurt containers full of very diluted watercolour paints and they LOVEd painting the scene. My kids have been doing it non-stop ever since. I'm sure tempura paints would work as well, and it really isn't just for little-kids, as I can just imagine the magnificent artwork Maggie could create on her front lawn! We're finding that the slushy snow is perfect for this activity (and not much else?) as you can quickly scoop up a slushy castle with the wet snow... SO fun! Maybe this is an old idea for all of you, but just wanted to share in case you're looking for something fun outside to do...


Andrea said...

That sounds like so much fun! I've never actually done that...hmmmm

Jill said...

Thanks for the great idea Mary-Sue. We tried it out today and it turned our very crabby morning upside-down. Wish you could see Liv's colorful snowball igloo! See you soon.

Mary-Sue said...

oh! I'd LOVE to see it! maybe with a flashlight tonight?
so glad you tried it out.